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Coaching Services

New York City


I work with organistions that truly are committed to the development of their employees, whatever their role. I coach

C-suite executives, business owners, managers, and aspiring, high talent individuals.

I do not work with a specific assessment tool but am comfortable in working with the organisation's own preferences. Whatever approach is adopted, my focus is on ensuring my person-centred coaching aligns the development needs of the individual with the outcomes required by the organisation. 


Life is a series of transitions, some big and some so small we barely notice them. Being able to initiate, plan for, work through, and step beyond those transitions with a coach is invaluable.

I work with clients in all stages of transition to support them in realising their personal potential in change, manage their fears and find their courage and resilience.

Girl Hiking in Mountains
Zen Stones


We are learning creatures and, at all stages of life, feel a desire to learn, to grow and to expand who we are and what we do. Sometimes, even where our personal and professional lives

are successful,we can still feel unfulfilled and wanting that

something more.

I work with clients to discover what that something is, what it would mean to find it, and how to make it happen. This development process is organic and can take time but the rewards can be immeasurable.


My work is person-centred and that underpins my philosophy in all I do. That principle can be equally applied effectively to working with teams. Team coaching is extremely effective as it recognises that we all exist and grow as individuals but within a dynamic, relational context. 

I work with teams to develop their individual and collective growth through tailored personalised and team development programmes based on a coaching mindset of learning. I work with a number of like-minded associate coaches in delivery of these programmes.

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